
Ormsby is one of the most intact remains of a village along the Hastings Road.  At one time there were two hotels, two stores, two churches, a school, blacksmith, sawmill and other small businesses.  There was also an Orange Hall and a Sons of England Hall.. The population in 1893 was 225.

Old Ormsby Schoolhouse (circa 1921)

3084 Old Hastings Rd, Ormsby

Currently, the Old Ormsby Schoolhouse is an “Educated Dining & Tea Room”.  Fully restored with desks, woodstoves and blackboards, the experience of tea, lunch or dinner includes homage to the local history.


Church of St Bernadette in Ormsby circa 1899

Old Hastings Road, Ormsby

The steeple is detached, located in the cedars behind the niche.

The Old Hastings Mercantile & Gallery circa 1890

3013 Old Hastings Rd, Coe Hill (at the corner of Highway 620 & the Old Hastings Rd)


Located in the heart of cottage country, in historic downtown Ormsby, the Old Hastings Mercantile and Gallery is a delightful stop.  Here you will find Canadian arts & crafts, vintage toys, antiques, nostalgia, jewellery, cottage-themed gifts and clothing, country-themed merchandise, penny candy and more!

The Old Ormsby Heritage Church (Presbyterian) circa 1904


Affectionately called the “little church on the rock”. There are three special services held here, every year.