Golden Lake

Located in Renfrew County, Golden Lake flows into the Bonnechere River. Supposedly, the lake got its name from the flecks of pyrite (fool’s gold) that glints on the lake bottom, near shore. Another nearby lake is called Lake Doré, which means gold in French.

Omàmiwininì Pimàdjwowin, the Algonquin Way Cultural Centre and the Manido CHiman Museumis located at 1674 Mishomis Inamo, Pikwakanagan First Nation.

The name “Pikwàkanagàn” comes from the Algonquin, meaning “[beautiful] hilly country [covered] in evergreens”.  The reserve is 1,702 acres, adjacent to the hamlet of Golden Lake which is located between the villages of Killaloe & Eganville.  The land straddles the shores of Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River.