Furnace Falls

Furnace Falls is a ghost town in Snowdon Township (lot 20, concession 1) Off Highway 503 1.2 kilometers along White Boundary Road. Settled in 1874 to accommodate workers at the Snowdon Iron Mine, all that remains today are some old log structures in an open field on the north side of the road. According to most maps this is the former town centre but it is truly the southern section.  The northern section is on the former IB&O Railway line, now a recreational trail. The Flag stop was located near the creek where the trail crosses. The falls themselves are visible from the bridge that goes over the Irondale River.  They’re rather short, sort of two tiers and not very deep. 

The summer of 1887 was one of the driest on record.  Logging operations along Bow Creek had left the bush filled with tops and debris and on a dry September day, a flash fire devoured the hamlet in its entirety. Everything was destroyed.